The net I am referring to is fishing net. During fishing this becomes caught on an underwater objects or is simply lost and is therefore free to float in the water. It is so so so strong that yesterday I spent half an hour trying to cut some away from a beach and only just managed to do it. I have hands, with thumbs and still could hardly cut the netting from the rock. Imagine how a seal is going to get out of it? Its not! Most of the cases we see here in Cornwall are adult seals with net cut deep into their skin.
I imagine that the levels of discarded net in the Sea is far far higher than what we see on the surface. With many animals caught underwater never to surface again? who knows but its horrible to see such a young seal, with so much growing to do caught in this mess.
I am on monitoring duty tomorrow morning to see if it is there. If it is I am calling the British Divers Marine Life rescue team to get them involved. A cliff decent will be done in silence and out of sight to get to beach level and then an approach to the seal will be made inorder to restrain it and CUT THE NET FREE!
I have not been eating fish for a few months now, Unless I know where it has come from, and if it has been line caught, because to see this happen to an animal is horrible.
Lets hope for the best! I will report back tomorrow!